Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Last updated: 18 August 2023

If unsure of your eligibility or you have a question, please email the Tow Research Awards Committee.


  1. Which affiliated organisations are eligible to apply for the Tow Research Awards?
    Black Dog Institute, Centre for Big Data Research in Health, Centre for Eye Health, Children’s Cancer Institute, Fertility & Research Centre, The Kidman Centre, The Kirby Institute, Mindgardens Neuroscience Network, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW Health Pathology (Randwick), Prince of Wales Hospital, Royal Hospital for Women, Scientia Clinical Research, Sydney Children’s Hospital, UNSW Sydney.

  2. How do I determine if I am affiliated with the organisations listed in FAQ1 above?
    You are employed, have an honorary / contingent worker appointment, or are a student at an organisation listed. Or you are conducting / have conducted the research at one of the organisations listed.
    For example, someone employed at Randwick and doing research with University of Wollongong would be eligible to apply. Similarly, if you are employed at St George Hospital however your research includes the Royal Hospital Women as a site, you would be eligible.

  3. Am I allowed to submit my research in more than one division?
    Yes, provided they are different abstracts or pieces of work, submitted on separate application forms. However, the nominating supervisor is only able to nominate a maximum of two applications in each award. Applicants will only be selected to give one oral presentation. 

  4. If selected for oral or poster presentation, do I need to attend in person?
    Yes. Virtual presentations will only be considered on a case-by-case basis e.g., due to ill health or close contact with someone who is unwell i.e., COVID-19. 

  5. I’m an advanced trainee at an affiliate organisation, am I eligible to apply? 
    Yes, current advanced trainees are eligible. However, if you have completed your advanced training, you may only apply if this was in the last 5 years. 

Postgraduate Research (Masters; PhD)

  1. I’m employed at an affiliate organisation, however I am undertaking my PhD with a non-affiliated university, am I eligible to apply? 
    Yes, provided you are employed at an eligible organisation. 

  2. I’m undertaking Masters by Coursework (e.g., Masters of Public Health; Masters of Health Management) with an affiliated organisation which includes a research project module, am I eligible to apply? 
    Yes, provided the research module has been completed. 

Undergraduate Research (Independent Learning Project; Honours) 

  1. I’m located at a rural clinical school, however my supervisor or co-supervisor is based in Randwick at an affiliated organisation, am I eligible to apply?
    Yes, provided the rural clinical school is an affiliated organisation e.g., UNSW Sydney. However, if you’re from a non-affiliated organisation, you may still be eligible if you are recruiting patients and / or reviewing clinical data from Randwick, provided your supervisor is from an affiliated organisation.

PhD Top-Up Scholarships

  1. I haven’t received a top-up scholarship during my candidature; however, I did receive one-off support from my University for student research activities impacted by COVID-19 – am I still eligible to apply for the Tow Research Awards PhD Top-Up Scholarship?

    Yes, provided you meet all criteria for the Tow Research Awards PhD Top-Up Scholarship, the support you received because of COVID-19 will not impact your eligibility.


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